Copy of August 2020 Release Plan


Document status


Release status



Start date

Jul 13, 2020 


Aug 13, 2020 


@Medha Parlikar



@Mrinal Manohar





Development team

Program manager

Project Manager

Engineering Lead


@Ashok Ranadive (Unlicensed)

@Piotr Dziubecki

@Ed Hastings (Deactivated)

@Tom Vasile (Deactivated)

Marketing team

Marketing lead

Content owner

@Kevin Watt

@Former user (Deleted)

Release Overview

Simple Overview

With 20.08 Release, we have delivered a functional Rust implementation that can stand up a XX (minimum 20) node network for at least 7 days. The network would include implementation of economics (Transaction fees and Seigniorage) and Validator Set rotation, Bonding and Unbonding with bonding auctions (stretch goal).

Nodes can join the network and sync with the rest of the nodes to catch up on state transitions. Round length adjusts based on the amount of time needed to process all the attestations and deployments. Validator set rotation happens at the junction of eras. A fixed maximum number of slots is available that is capped at 50 nodes. (Note we need to know that the network is stable at the maximum cap -since anyone can join).

Transaction fees will be collected for contract execution and token transfers, and these fees will be distributed to the block proposer for the transactions included in the block. Block rewards are given to validators for participating in consensus.

Work on the Rust implementation

20.08 Release will include:

Ability to stand up a XX (minimum 20) node network for at least 7 days.

The network would include implementation of economics (Transaction fees ? and Seigniorage ) but no slashing or liveness penalty


  • Validator Set rotation (configurable in Chainspec - fixed max # of slots) - stretch goal

  • Rust Node

  • Evolving Rust client

  • Consensus Component implementation

  • STest updates to work with the new Rust Node

Ecosystem Product Updates

  • Clarity Metrics

  • Release Contract macros

  • Update Signer (accept key files, …)

  • Solidity toolchain

  • IPwe POC

  • Gitpod online IDE Implementation (mostly DevOps work?)

  • New CL Blog site

  • Clarity updates. Moving to a separate repo.

  • Preparations to conduct a DevPost Hackathon on the Testnet in August.


  • Metrics

Work to support Testnet

Address issues discovered in the Testnet.

  • Fixes to stabilize Testnet.

key summary assignee status

Tickets for this Release


key summary status


key summary status

Defects Fixed

key summary status



Metric for tracking the success:

What is special about this release?


For dApp Developers 

For Node Operators

Are we doing something differently? If so, why are we doing it this way?

Before these features were available, what were developers able to do?

After these features launch, what will developers be able (and not able) to do?

Description of release packaging

Release packaging will include:

  • Debian package 

  • Docker image

  • Brew packages

  • RPM package

  • tar.gz file

Where do developers go to learn more and get started?

Where will bugs be filed?

Github - part of the public release.

Where do developers go for support? What is the SLA? Who is on point?

Gitter developer channel