Delta-11 / TestNet / MainNet Configuration

This page will capture the latest values we will use for public networks.


qps_limit = 5 → 50

qps_limit = 100 → 10 (This is not number of streams, but number started per sec.)


(This has new functionality 0.9.2+ where timestamp for genesis and then era id for upgrades)
activation_point = '2020-12-29T20:00:00Z'
activation_point = 5


era_duration = '120minutes'

minimum_era_height = 20

validator_slots = 100

auction_delay = 1

unbonding_delay = 7

# Round seigniorage rate represented as a fraction of the total supply.
# Annual issuance: 6%
# Minimum round exponent: 14
# Ticks per year: 31536000000
# (1+0.06)^((2^14)/31536000000)-1 is expressed as a fractional number below
# Python:
# from fractions import Fraction
# Fraction((1 + 0.06)**((2**14)/31536000000) - 1).limit_denominator(1000000000)
round_seigniorage_rate = [15, 495497012]


finality_threshold_fraction = [1, 3]

minimum_round_exponent = 14

maximum_round_exponent = 18

reduced_reward_multiplier = [1, 5]


block_max_transfer_count = 2500