Miami DevCon Workshop


During this workshop, we will walk through how to use the CLarity block explorer to create and fund accounts in the CasperLabs testnet, compile an example contract


  • Educate users on how to use CLarity

  • Create an account & fund accounts

  • Install the client

  • Build the contracts

  • Deploy to the testnet

  • Set up the Contracts SDK (cargo-casperlabs)

Step by Step Plan

  1. Visit CLarity for the testnet at:

  2. Create an account.

  3. Store your keys in a location where you can use them to sign deploys.

  4. Navigate to the faucet and fund your account.

  5. Clone the repository on your machine

git clone -b dev

2. Install the CasperLabs client using brew, apt, docker or tarball. Instructions are at:

3. Compile contracts

cd execution-engine make setup make build-contracts

4. Deploy the counter-define example contract.

casperlabs-client --host --port 40401 deploy --session ~/CasperLabs/execution-engine/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/counter_define.wasm --payment-amount 10000000 --private-key [path to private key]

Let’s get the latest block:


Now -let’s take a look at your account and see if it has processed on the blockchain. Navigate to the GraphQL interface and enter the following information. Note the information that needs to be appended to the query, such as account and latest block hash.

You should see a result that looks like this:


What you need to know:

  • The testnet as of this writing will take some time to process transactions. This is because we are waiting to complete deploy gossiping, which means that your deploy will sit with the node that received your deploy until it is selected as leader.


Go to Discord- we will help you there: