Testnet Validator Installation


This document assumes you have your TLS Keys and Validator Keys in place. Your validator key must be the key registered in the signup form.

1. Install the latest packages from https://github.com/CasperLabs/CasperLabs/blob/master/docs/INSTALL.md There is no need to compile from source.

The latest release is: CasperLabs Node 0.20.1 (cadcf522af6e67d9c0e63313f7397fd03e4c98c2) Please verify you have the same version before proceeding.

casperlabs-node --version CasperLabs Node 0.20.1 (cadcf522af6e67d9c0e63313f7397fd03e4c98c2)

2. Clean up any leftover state from old runs

cd ~/.casperlabs rm sqlite.db rm -r global_state

3. Pull down the accounts.csv and manifest.toml from Github.

3add70e406639ac74e85a64de2f4dddb accounts.csv a89412ed5f1218ec821ee1f0c4a521eb manifest.toml PLEASE ENSURE THESE ARE THE ONLY 2 FILES PRESENT IN YOUR GENESIS DIRECTORY!!!

4. Enable Java Heap Dumps

5. Start the engine and node - Note we have new parameters for the run command at the end. Please ensure your update your node run command to append these to the end.

5. Observe the network on Explorer: https://testnet-explorer.casperlabs.io/#/explorer