

Install Prerequisites described here:

Pre-Compile Contract Examples:


Bootstrap Address

We will select the bootstrap during the session.


Software Version (GitHash)

Node 0.9.0 Githash: 9ce36fec05d57eee9ff9e450fdba255ca9b494e4

Docker tag: latest

What you need to know:

Discussion topics




Connect to DevNet using the chainspec

Using the accounts.csv file, generate a genesis block that matches DevNet

  • We needed to update the documentation to include the md5 checksum for the accounts.csv file

  • Joonwon ran into issues because he built the Mint and PoS contracts locally and the builds are non-deterministic.

Observe the nodes synching state.
(approx 5 mins for AWS)

Watch the nodes download blocks. Attempt to propose new transactions in DevNet

Fund accounts using Clarity

Using Clarity, fund the validator accounts for bonding

Send a bonding request

Using the newly funded account, bond to the DevNet

  • Must specify --payment-amount of 10000000

  • Bonding amount should be less than a 1000000

Verify that your node is bonded

Verify that the node is bonded.

Observe metrics from other nodes

query gRPC ports of other nodes in the network

Perform a token transfer between accounts

Transfer tokens between accounts

  • Create accounts using the transfer function

    • casperlabs-client --host localhost transfer -a amount_to_transfer -t "target_account_in_base64" --private-key path_to_private_key --payment-amount 1
  • Verify the balance

    • casperlabs-client --host localhost balance -a base16accountid -b blockhash


Action items

  1. Up the faucet in the explorer to dispense enough tokens to fund transactions.

  2. Figure out why payment amount needs to be so high.

  3. Include the location of the PoS and Mint contracts in future documentation for persons that build the node locally. Compilation of the contracts is non-deterministic.
